Student Leadership
Student Leadership is at the heart of Crestwood School. We are extremely proud our Student Leadership Pathway. We feel there is no better way to embed outstanding behaviours than to teach, guide and serve others. In recent years there have been a number of new roles created for our students to help serve others, after all our school Motto and badge states ‘Service Not Self’! The amount of roles and positions on offer are now so vast we feel by publishing a clear pathway our students can plot their way through their time at Crestwood School, identifying which roles they would like to progress to, or who they may be able to lean on for support. We also have lots of fantastic students join us from primary schools each year in September and a huge number of these students have held prestigious positions at their primary schools. We want to make sure when these students join us they can see the opportunities available to them and how they can progress each year to different roles
which could potentially result in becoming Head Girl or Head Boy!
Each role on the Student Leadership Pathway comes with its own job description and role specification which highlights which member of staff is responsible for that team, how and when to apply and also which member of the Senior Leadership Team is the ambassador for the team or role. This helps our students understand who they can speak to for support and advice.