Senior Leadership Team

Miss Z Edwards
Deputy Headteacher / English Teacher
House: EARTH
Teaching has always been my calling. At the age of five, I wanted nothing more than a black board and some chalk so that I could make my friends be the pupils in order for me to practice developing my craft as a teacher. It is all I have ever wanted to do, and it is still the favourite part of my working day.
I went straight from Keele University into my first teaching role in the heart of Dudley. I spent my first 8 years here and was lucky enough to be offered many opportunities to progress. I started as an NQT and left as Head of English ready for my next role.
I have taught in schools in Wolverhampton and more recently Cannock, where I developed my leadership skills, taking on my first SLT role as Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Teaching and Learning.
My proudest moment to date is being offered the role of Deputy Headteacher at Crestwood School. This truly is my dream job as I get to support teachers in developing their craft as well as ensuring that our pupils achieve their full academic potential every day.