Here at Crestwood, the safety and well being of our students is our primary concern.
The school takes the welfare and safety of students very seriously, working hard to reduce all the kinds of harm that children can suffer, including abuse, bullying, discrimination and avoidable injuries. We strive to make sure that every student feels secure, well cared for, and able to reach their full potential.
We understand and are committed to the vital contribution that all Governors, staff, parents and students can make to safeguarding children. Training of all staff in identifying, reporting procedures and dealing with such issues is regular and thorough.
We will continue to ensure that all our staff, other professionals, parents/carers and students work together to know the rules about keeping children safe. They will understand the importance of following procedures and listening to each other, especially when there are concerns about safety. At the bottom of this page, you will find our ten top tips on how to stay safe online
Our Safeguarding Policy which contains further details can be found on the link below.
Whistleblowing procedures for staff including the NSPCC whistleblowing helpline is: 0800 028 0285
Email and phone contacts are available below. If you have any concerns at all about the safety or welfare of a child please make immediate contact by telephone and be sure to clear that there may be a safeguarding issue.
If you believe that a child is in imminent danger please contact the police. Dial 999.
Crestwood School Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Mr D Boerm
County Lines
Criminal exploitation is known as ‘county lines’ and is when gangs and organised crime networks exploit children to sell class A drugs. Often these children are made to travel across counties, and they use dedicated mobile phone ‘lines’ to supply drugs. Children as young as 12 are being put in danger by criminals who are taking advantage of how vulnerable these young people are. Please click on the link below for a presentation about County Lines.
Operations Encompas
Key Contacts
Mr D. Boerm, DSL
Mrs L. Goodman, Deputy DSL
Virtual School
Looked after children: Mrs J. Smith, 01384 813493
Dudley Safeguarding: Liz Murphy, Independent Chair
Children’s board
Lovona Brown, LADO, 01384 813110
LEA Prevent: John Hodt, 01384 814736
CSE Team: Phone: 01384 817777
Phone: 0808 800 5000
Text: 88858
Dudley LEA:
Useful Links
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Working together to safeguard children 2023: statutory guidance (
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Keeping children safe in education 2024 (
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
5d2df1_15fedb6186ff4099a9b14234d940d76e.pdf (
Think you know-
Safeguarding for after school clubs-
🔗Keeping children safe in education
🔗What to do if you are worried a child is being abused
🔗Working together to safeguard children
🔗Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003
🔗Child Sexual Exploitation – Definition and Guide for Practitioners
🔗What’s the problem? – A guide for parents of young people who have got in trouble online
🔗Has someone done something online that has made you or a child or young person you know, feel worried or unsafe?
🔗Make a report to one of CEOP’s experienced Child Protection Advisors
Ten Tips to Help Children Stay Safe Online.
1 It’s private… Make sure your page is private
2 About me….Never tell anyone anything personal about you, your friends or your family.
3 Don’t tell… Keep your passwords private.
4 Making friends…Don’t add anyone you don’t know as a friend.
5 Telling the truth…Remember not everyone tells the truth online, so only speak with people you know and trust whilst online.
6 Tell someone… If someone contacts you and you don’t like what they have done or said, do not reply to or get involved in their messages. Tell an adult!
7 Meeting up. ..Never arrange to meet someone you have met online and not met in person before. Tell an adult if someone you don’t know wants to meet you.
8 Get an App…Add the CEOP app so you can report anything that happens which you think is inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable.
9 Once on line it stays online…Remember once you post something, it could be up there forever.
10 Ask for help…Always ask for help if you are worried about anything