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School Life


More Able

Our Aims

At Crestwood our aim is to provide all pupils with a broad, balanced and relevant education that enables them to reach their full potential. All students come with different needs, abilities and aspirations. Many lack self-esteem and face barriers to learning. Our aim is to break down the barriers and provide a challenging and fulfilling curriculum that will:

  • Allow for students to be accurately identified using a process that is regularly reviewed. Including new and updated departmental selection. This is currently being piloted at Crestwood and the MAT.

  • Promote a culture of “Excellence”.

  • Develop curriculum structures that enhance and enrich provision for learning.

  • Provide opportunities for all learners to learn beyond the classroom and in out of school environments.

  • Identify students with gifts and talents at each stage of their learning.

  • Raise the aspirations of both students and families.

  • Provide staff development in subject specific strategies to challenge and engage our most able students.

  • To ensure that students achieve their full academic potential because they are confident, independent, articulate learners.



The Government suggests that 5-10% of a year group, regardless of the ability profile of the school, should be provided for under the Gifted and Talented strand. At Crestwood this year we have opted to select the top 10%.  We also refer to our pupils as our More Able.

At Key Stages 3 and 4, we categorise the students as follows:

  • Gifted students are those who have high ability or potential in one or more of the academic subjects.

  • Talented students are those who have high ability or potential in the creative or expressive arts or in sport.

Gifted and Talented students may also be those who are not yet fulfilling their potential.


Subject Nominated

This term is used for students who are not in the top 10% category but have been nominated by a particular subject, using the new “Characteristics’ approach”. This is a new strategy but helps staff to really find out, who our subject specific More Able are.


To aid staff with the process of identification of the More Able students, each department has received a subject-specific identification pack. Departmental staff have the opportunity to select key characteristics. These students are then added to the register and categorised accordingly.

This system ensures that:

  • Students who are not recognised as being More Able by statistical data are still supported.

  • Staff are able to use their professional knowledge and understanding to identify More Able students, especially those who have ability in Art, Design Technology, Music, PE, and Performing Arts.

  • An inclusive system is employed.


Subject areas have a responsibility to support pupils identified within their subject area. Each faculty has a nominated member of staff who monitors More Able activity and is the key communicative link between the Lead Teacher and individual departments.


Informing Staff

Staff should be informed of More Able events, practices and procedures through their departmental appointed person, the More Able Policy and through Training and Development days.

There are many lesson observations throughout the year and feedback will be used to provide guidance for teaching staff and for confirmation of good practice. Teachers who demonstrate outstanding characteristics in this area will be asked to share strategies for NQT, PGCE, teacher observations.


CPD for Staff

Staff may access training and professional development with a More Able focus by attending subject specific courses and seminars. They may source these events personally or through their department.

Alternatively, the More Able Lead Teacher may source a course or event. For example, some staff have attended specific subject based workshops/courses with students aimed at gaining specialist skills to raise achievement within their subject areas. Other accompanying More Able visits include attending a Higher Educational venue aimed at providing excellent training, ideas and inspiration for staff.


In the Classroom we will Provide:

  • Identification of all More Able students in staff seating plans and planners.

  • Clear expectations, curriculum targets, differentiated learning objectives and outcomes shared with students.

  • Differentiation and varied teaching strategies designed for all ability levels to stretch and challenge.

  • An understanding of the variety of different ways in which students learn.

  • A range of opportunities are planned for independent learning and a wide range of learning styles used to personalise learning so every student can achieve.

  • Opportunities for investigation, problem solving and exploration.

  • Opportunities for group work and leadership.

  • Careful attention to the ways in which students are grouped.

  • A supportive learning environment.

  • Flexible responses to the needs of Gifted and Talented students.

  • Enrichment and extension activities.

  • The opportunity for self, peer and whole group review.

  • Monitoring and feedback to allow students to move on and progress towards the next step and in order to reach exemplary levels, steps or grades at KS3/4/5.


Beyond the classroom we will provide:

  • Opportunities for independent learning.

  • Variety of deeper understanding activities.

  • Supervised after college study.

  • Specialist after college clubs.

  • Accessible ICT facilities.

  • Subject specific visits and workshops.

  • Holiday extension schools.

  • Study skills sessions.

  • Participation in local and regional Gifted and Talented events.

  • Links with Higher Education providers.

  • Duke of Edinburgh.

  • Regular monitoring, review and feedback.


Enrichment and Extension

Enrichment relates to the breadth of study and experience. It involves offering students a wide variety of opportunities both within and outside college and exposing them to experiences not normally encountered as part of the standard curriculum. Care must be taken to ensure that enrichment does not take the form of ‘bolt-on’.

Enrichment should be closely linked to extension and acceleration.

Extension consists of providing extra materials at a deeper or more complex level, or providing challenging questions. Extension relies on a teachers sound subject knowledge and willingness to adapt the curriculum. Extension activities can also take place outside school hours.


Monitoring, Reviewing and Target setting

Tracking Student Progress

Students should be monitored and tracked across time and subjects using a range of Attitude For Learning methods such as teacher assessment and test results. In addition, grade sheets should be monitored and tracked within the department and via the More Able lead teacher. Intervention should also be employed.


Classroom teachers should track the progress of their students by regular formative and summarised assessments. Attitude For Learning and marking of work should clearly inform students how to improve/progress to their next level.

Gifted and Talented students performance should be recorded, monitored and reviewed regularly.

This should provide essential feedback which is articulated to Heads of Department/ Key Stages/Senior Leadership T



  • Rewards systems should be used effectively to support, encourage and motivate all

  • Data is managed through SPACE and Head Of Department/ Head Of Year.


New data can be added easily and updated.

  • Staff in departments should discuss, share and use this information to inform future planning, teaching activities, deeper learning activities and intervention strategies.

  • All More Able students to have access to a one to one interview with a member of staff where progress is discussed and targets set. Results are recorded and used to measure progress. Intervention strategies may be applied early if underachievement is seen.

  • More Able students are to be offered an appointment with the More Able Leader Teacher on request.

  • Data to be collected regularly and shared with students and their parents.

  • Intervention process is to be actively engaged to develop strategies and approaches to countering underachievement/ to overcome barriers e.g. via mentoring process or intervention logs.

  • The Lead Teacher will meet with other relevant leaders and key adults to discuss access, intervention strategies and provision for those with multiple exceptionalism’s and for Looked After Children on the More Able register.

  • More Able lesson observations will continue to take place and will involve all.

Mrs Parke will be happy to deal with any queries on 01384 686850

Contact the School

The Crestwood School, Bromley Lane, Kingswinford, Dudley, West Midlands DY6 8QG

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 686850


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©2022 by Invictus Education Trust

A Member of Invictus Education Trust

Registered address: Invictus Headquarters, Kinver High School, Enville Road, Kinver, South Staffs, England DY7 6AA.

 A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales  (company number: 09284368)

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