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Maths KS4

Maths Curriculum Intent.
Our intent is to implement an ambitious spiral curriculum that enables ALL pupils to make progress and succeed in Mathematics. This is achieved through building confidence in mathematics and developing resilient learners who will go on to apply their mathematical skills in everyday situations. Our broad curriculum is built on a foundation of key topics that interweave regularly, bringing together fundamental ideas that form the basis of mathematics as well as other subjects. We place a great emphasis on the importance of how mathematics influences every part of society and how being numerate is an essential skill for all. We aim to inspire all students to develop an enjoyment of problem solving, through carefully designed tasks that encourage discussion, debate and logical reasoning. Our learning environment supports, challenges and caters for all, ensuring that every student can leave Crestwood with an achievement in mathematics and pursue their chosen route onto higher education or employment.
Maths Dept. November 2022
Maths Core Standards.
In Maths the core standards are to:
Build confidence in mathematical thinking and aptitude.
Highlight the importance and relevance of mathematical techniques.
Demonstrate how to apply mathematical knowledge.
Encourage a high level of thinking through logical reasoning and problem solving.
Ensure students become accustomed to challenge within maths.