School Life

Listen & Learn Centre
Listen & Learn Centre
The Listen & Learn Centre is the Dudley Local Authority enhanced provision for deaf students with severe or profound hearing loss. Students are fully included in Crestwood School, but benefit from enhanced classroom communication support and individual tutorial sessions with teachers of the deaf. This provision forms part of the Local Offer for hearing impaired students.
We have two full time Teachers of the Deaf and a small team of Specialist Teaching Assistants who support and give access to mainstream lessons. One to one sessions in the Listen & Learn Centre support language development, listening skills and enhance access to the school curriculum.
The Listen & Learn Centre comprises of two workspaces including a large teaching room, and an office which gives additional teaching space. One of our teachers is a qualified educational audiologist. We work closely with other agencies including Speech and Language Therapy who will also visit pupils when needed.
All teachers in Crestwood School are given Deaf Awareness training. Some of our teachers have passed sign language qualifications. The hall and several classrooms have sound field systems. Portable sound field systems are also available.
The Listen & Learn Centre offers oral and total communication modes, agreed with student and parents through our review process. Teachers of the Deaf work closely with multiple agencies including NHS audiology, Birmingham Cochlear Implant Centre and parents to ensure each student has the best listening experience with the latest hearing technologies.
All enquiries may be made to:
Mrs K Tingley 01384 686494 (Lead Teacher of the Deaf)
Mrs D Bevington01384 818003 (Head of Service)