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Humanities KS4

Geography Curriculum Intent.

The intent of the KS4 Geography curriculum is to develop and extend students’ knowledge of locations, places, environments and processes, and of different scales including global; and of social, political and cultural contexts (know geographical material). Also, to gain understanding of the interactions between people and environments, change in places and processes over space and time, and the inter-relationship between geographical phenomena at different scales and in different contexts (think like a geographer). Also, to develop and extend their competence in a range of skills including those used in fieldwork, in using maps and GIS and in researching secondary evidence, including digital sources; and develop their competence in applying sound enquiry and investigative approaches to questions and hypotheses (study like a geographer). Finally, to apply geographical knowledge, understanding, skills and approaches appropriately and creatively to real world contexts, including fieldwork, and to contemporary situations and issues; and develop well-evidenced arguments drawing on their geographical knowledge and understanding (applying geography).

Geography Core Standards.

In Geography the core standards are to:


  • Students have sound location and place knowledge.

  • Students can read a map and recognise the key symbols. 

  • Student know the basic formation of the physical landscape and how they are formed. 

  • Students know and understand the key challenges for humans living on that landscape (the environment).

  • Students can express different viewpoints about those challenges and be able to form an opinion about them. 

  • Students in KS4 are set homework every  week. 

History Curriculum Intent.

The intent of the KS4 curriculum is to develop and extend students’ knowledge and understanding of specified key events, periods and societies in local, British, and wider world history; and of the wide diversity of human experience. Also, to engage in historical enquiry so as to develop as independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers. Also, to develop the ability to ask relevant questions about the past, to investigate issues critically and to make valid historical claims by using a range of sources in their historical context. Also, to develop an awareness of why people, events and developments have been accorded historical significance and how and why different interpretations have been constructed about them. Lastly, they will organise and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in different ways and reach substantiated conclusions. 

History Core Standards.

In History the core standards are to:


  • Develop a student’s sense of chronology. 

  • Enable students to construct their own interpretations of the past by selecting evidence from the available historical sources of information. 

  • Enable students to assess whether a source of information is accurate. 

  • Enable students identify key changes in past and areas that show continuity.  

  • Enable students to reach judgements about why an event in the past was significant. 

  • Enable students to identify why an event happened and the impact that the event had.

RS Curriculum Intent.

The intent of the KS4 RS curriculum is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs. Also, to develop their knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, teachings and sources of wisdom and authority, including through their reading of key religious texts, other texts and scriptures of the religions they are studying. Also, to develop their ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of the subject. Also, to reflect on and develop their own values, belief, meaning, purpose, truth and their influence on human life. Finally, to reflect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes in the light of what they have learnt and contribute to their preparation for adult life in a pluralistic society and global community.

RS Core Standards.

In RS the core standards are to:


  • Students  have a good Knowledge of a range of religious beliefs and actions. 

  • Students have a good understanding of why religious people believe and act in the way they do. 

  • Students can discuss whether those beliefs and actions are right or wrong and assess the relative strength of different arguments. 

  • Students are aware of the different cultures that exist in our society and show tolerance of them.

  • Students can think and reflect on their own beliefs. 

  • Students in KS4 are set homework every  week.

Mrs Parke will be happy to deal with any queries on 01384 686850

Contact the School

The Crestwood School, Bromley Lane, Kingswinford, Dudley, West Midlands DY6 8QG

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 686850


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