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Welcome to Humanities
In Geography you will really engage with the world around you. As well as developing your map skills you will learn about the physical and natural features of the British Isles, population and migration, rivers and lots of other interesting things.
History is a fascinating subject! You will begin to learn about key historic periods such as The Battle of Hastings in 1066, The Industrial Revolution, what life was like for different groups of people in World War 1 and why is Elizabeth remembered as one of England’s greatest monarchs. There will also be a period of time looking at Black History where important people and events will be explored. Finally, you will learn about toilets! Yes toilets!
Religious Studies will inspire fascination amongst you! You will learn about different beliefs and actions in a range of religions. It will give you the opportunity to reflect on your own beliefs and views about philosophical and ethical issues. It will teach you to be tolerant to other people’s beliefs and actions.