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Our Careers Policy
A young person’s career is their pathway through learning and work. All young people need a planned programme of activities to help them make 14-19 choices which are right for them and to enable them to have the necessary skills to be able to manage their careers throughout their lives. Schools have a statutory duty to provide careers education in Years 7-11 and to give students access to careers information, advice and guidance.
To download the full policy,
click on the document to the right:
Careers education and guidance programmes make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. A planned progressive programme of activities supports them in choosing 14-19 pathways that suit their interests and abilities and help them to follow a career path and sustain employability throughout their working lives.
Our Developmental Priorities:
Raise aspirations for all learners
Increase career opportunities for all learners
Provide opportunities for vulnerable students at KS4.
Click here to enter the careers portal for careers information for students, parents/ carers, teachers and employers/ employees!
Provider access policy:
Click here for our provider access policy!
Our aims:
The Crestwood School Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance policy has the following aims:
To contribute to strategies for raising achievement, especially by increasing motivation and aspirations
To support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity
To encourage participation into continued learning including higher education and further education
To develop enterprise and employment skills
To reduce course switching at KS4
To contribute to economic prosperity of individuals and communities
To meet the needs of all our students through appropriate differentiation
To focus on student aspirations
To involve parents and carers.
Learner entitlement:

Careers and individual subjects:
Each subject at Crestwood makes explicit links to careers within lessons, through highlighting related careers, job profiles and employability/ soft skills.
Click here to see a summary of how each subject links to careers.