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Why Crestwood?

We work hard to ensure a smooth transition from primary school. This includes visits to every primary school by our Deputy Headteacher as well as an Induction Day in July when children meet up with others in their form group, meet their new form tutor and experience some taster lessons.

During Year 5 and Year 6 many children will already have visited Crestwood for taster lessons, use of the swimming pool and other special events. Children hear more about their new school and ask any questions they have during these visits. They get to meet “Buddies” who are attached to their form group to support them during the first few days and weeks at Crestwood. We talk to Year 6 teachers to get as much information as possible to help us place the children into well balanced form groups which give every child the opportunity to make new friends and have a fresh start in a new and different environment.

Induction Evening, held on the night before Induction Day, gives parents and children the opportunity to meet our Headteacher, senior staff, their Head of Year and most importantly their form tutor. During this evening further information is provided about the new term and any last-minute worries and concerns can be addressed.

The experience of moving from primary to secondary school is unique for each child but whether your child joins us knowing others from primary school, or comes to us on their own, within a week or so most will have become settled and confident, allowing them to make the most of the opportunities we have to offer.

The transition from primary school is a major event in the life of any child and it is only natural that they will experience a mixture of emotions. Sometimes parents can feel these emotions more acutely than their children but with staff, Buddies and Ambassadors on hand ready to help, we feel that whatever the difficulty we have someone ready and willing to help establish a secure foundation for your child’s future happiness, security and achievements.

Year 7 Admissions for September 2025 (For children born 1 September 2013 – 31 August 2014)

Applications for admission in September 2025 will open on 1 September 2024 and close on 31 October 2024, with decisions being issued on 1 March 2025.  Our admission arrangements are published below, applications should be made to your home local authority.

Apply Now:

Year 7 Admission Appeals

If your child has been refused a place in our school, you have the right to appeal against this decision.

Appeals are co-ordinated by Dudley MBC, further information can be found on their website

Appeals timetable for admission to secondary school for the 2025/26 academic year:


· Deadline for lodging appeals – to be advised. Please see the Dudley MBC website above for updates.

· Appeals lodged by the above date will be heard between - May/June 2025

· Appeals received after the deadline may not be heard until - Mid September 2025 onwards


The appeals application can be accessed here

In-year admissions

Parents can apply for a place for their child at any time outside the normal admissions round. As is the case in the normal admissions round, all children whose Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) plans name the school will be admitted. Likewise, if there are spaces available in the year group you are applying for, your child will be offered a place.

If there are no spaces available at the time of your application, your child’s name will be added to a waiting list for the relevant year group. When a space becomes available, it will be filled by one of the pupils on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.  Priority will not be given to children on the basis that they have been on the waiting list the longest.

Applications for in-year admissions are co-ordinated by Dudley MBC, further details can be found by visiting

Crestwood School Admission Arrangements

Mrs Parke will be happy to deal with any queries on 01384 686850

Contact the School

The Crestwood School, Bromley Lane, Kingswinford, Dudley, West Midlands DY6 8QG

Tel: +44 (0) 1384 686850


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©2022 by Invictus Education Trust

A Member of Invictus Education Trust

Registered address: Invictus Headquarters, Kinver High School, Enville Road, Kinver, South Staffs, England DY7 6AA.

 A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales  (company number: 09284368)

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