School Life

It has long been recognised that good attendance and punctuality at school is a key feature to raising the achievement of students.
If your child is absent, please contact the school either via telephone on 01384 686840 or via email at on the first day of absence.
Here at Crestwood we emphasise to parents and carers the importance that we place on this issue and strive to work in partnership to promote it in all year groups.
The responsibility lies in these three key areas:
Parents and Carers
Ensure that you support your child’s effort to get to school regularly. Crestwood School operates a ‘no leave’ policy. All applications for leave in the school year will only be authorised for special/exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of the Headteacher). Work not done due to absence is difficult to make up and means that your son or daughter will miss out on lessons that are a vital part of their learning.
In the inevitable event that you book a medical appointment for your child please try to ensure that the impact that this has on their education is minimised. If you have no option but to accept a time that coincides with school hours we would appreciate it if you can arrange to collect your child from Crestwood just prior to your visit to the practitioner that you need to see. If your child has to miss school for a good reason please make sure that we are informed.
Make sure that you set off from home in good time to be at school regularly. Please keep a weekly record of your attendance in your planner so that you know how good it is. Your Form Tutor will encourage you to do this.
School Staff
Teachers will monitor carefully how students are progressing with their attendance. They will support students wishing to improve their record and will liaise with the appropriate Head of House and The School’s Attendance Officer with regards to any individual cases that need to be followed up.
Finally, a big thank you to all parents, carers and students who take the issue of attendance and punctuality seriously. Greater success will be your educational reward.